Fox News, your home for bigoted political analysis from retired congressman Tom Tancredo, this time suggesting Biden needs to...transition to a Pacific Islander?
July 2, 2019

What can Fox do when Laura Ingraham is off today?

Bring on Tom Tancredo to keep the White Power Hour promoting racist nonsense, of course! Transcript via Media Matters:

TOM TANCREDO: These two [Warren and Harris] actually did a great deal of damage to him, and that -- I don't think he can recover from, I think it will sink him.

You know, I don't know what he can do at this point in time, frankly, to change what is going to be I think the outcome.

Maybe tomorrow he says he's going to transition to a woman. Better yet, maybe a black woman -- maybe even better, a half-Black, half-Pacific Islander, something like that.

Bonus bigotry points on the transphobia, Tom.

This is what passes for "political analysis" on Fox. Shame on the sons of Murdoch for keeping their father's legacy going.

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