July 31, 2019

Mayor Pete Buttigieg joined MSNBC's Morning Joe to discuss last night's debate.

The Crew mentioned a tweet by Mercedes Schlapp, the former communications VP who unceremoniously left the White House to join the Trump campaign after Stephanie Grisham was hired before bringing him on

Joe Scarborough commented that there was a debate between the moderate faction like Steve Bullock and Tim Ryan (the outliers of the party) versus progressives and Joe asked him where he stands ion the ideological front.

"I know politicians don't like labels," he said.

Mayor Pete said, "Look, I view myself as progressive, but I think that response out of Trump world was pretty revealing, right, most of what we stand for, the American people stand with us."

"Whether it's the idea that we ought to have universal health care or the fact that the minimum wage ought to be higher or what we think ought to happen around gun control," he said.

"If we are crazy socialists then they're saying the American people are a bunch of crazy socialists," Mayor Pete said.

Americans are solidly supporting the social change agenda progressives having been promoting, including raising taxes on the rich.


The GOP's entire campaign strategy is to yell "socialism" at every turn, but almost every senior citizen loves their Social Security and loves their Medicare.

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