You'd think Kellyanne Conway would welcome the opportunity to speak out about that subpoena, but her silence was deafening.
July 26, 2019

During an interview with Fox News' Harris Faulkner Thursday afternoon, Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway was in her usual hyperventilating attack dog mode up until she was asked to comment about the House holding her in contempt for refusing to honor their subpoena.

On Wednesday, Chairman Cummings announced they would postpone citing her for contempt while they negotiate.

The OSC recommended Conway be removed from office for her repeated violations, but Trump has refused to do so. Everybody is above the law in his administration.

Towards the end of the lengthy interview, Faulkner changed topics after they discussed how angry even Republicans were at Trump's racist tweets that targeted four freshmen Congresswomen of color.

Faulkner said, "The House Oversight Committee postponed a vote to hold you in contempt for not complying with a subpoena to testify last week over alleged Hatch act violations."

Narrator: They aren't alleged since the OSC already ruled against her.

"Where do those negotiations stand at this point?" Harris asked.

You would expect Conway to attack the Democratic House Oversight Committee for investigating her and then blame the Obama administration for committing much worse offenses, but instead she was mum and played dumb.

Conway said, "Well, Chairman Cummings put that message out so I will let it speak for itself -- I can't comment on that..."

Faulkner said, "He said he's negotiating with the White House to see how you move forward."

"That's a very positive step in my view," Conway remarked.

And with that she remained silent -- just like the Fifth amendment.

Now that's one way for the cat to get her tongue.

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