Joe Biden joined CNN's Chris Cuomo and gave a wide-ranging interview Friday morning. The former VP hasn't given too many interviews since he threw his hat in the 2020 ring.
Chris Cuomo brought up the topic of American foreign policy: "What bothers you abroad?"
Biden said, "The idea that we can go it alone with no alliances for the next 20-30 years is a disaster."
Biden made the point that we can't fight terrorism alone and coalition building with other nations is necessary to defend the United States. "We need allies. He is absolutely dissing them. He’s embracing thugs. He’s embracing Kim Jong-Un who’s a thug. He’s embracing Putin who is a flat dictator, he's embracing...and he’s stiff-arming our friends.”
"He's threatening NATO - to pull out of NATO. I mean, come on," Biden said emphatically.
Cuomo took the administration's side and echoed the idiotic talking point that Trump is getting more money out of our NATO allies.
Joe Biden replied, "Oh, give me a break. Oh, come on man."
He continued, "And by the way the idea that NATO ---- (he paused) let me put it this way. I promise you if he wins reelection, there will be no NATO in four or five years." Biden said.
Cuomo replied, "You think they'll be no more NATO if he's reelected?"
"No more NATO."
Biden recounted how Germany said they can no longer count on the United States.
Trump's despicable and miserly actions against our closest allies, which includes all NATO nations, is truly sophomoric, unintelligent and destructive. Squeezing them for a few dollars more is the act of an imbecile on the world stage, and the world knows it.