July 29, 2019

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told lawmakers that they've stopped and arrested about 100 domestic terrorists and most of them come from the white supremacist movement.

However, if you watch Fox News, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are nonexistent, but the little known "Antifa" group are the real terrorists.

I'm not supporting violence against anyone at any time.

Fox News' attempts at amplifying a small splinter group (who hate fascists and will use their fists to let you know) to elevate them to be comparable to white supremacy movement is destructive and vile.

Fox News will rally around any right-wing extremist they can use to defend Donald Trump even peripherally.

Buzzfeed has a profile on the alt right's Andy Ngo who was attacked by Antifa up in Oregon. He's inserted himself into every crazed rally up in Portland.

And just as fast as you can say the word Mississippi, Fox News put Andy Ngo on today to promote him and to elevate Antifa.

If Antifa grows in membership, they can thank the efforts of Fox News and "Fox and Friends" especially. There's never a bad day on Fox to promote them.

Joseph Bernstein writes, "the amount of coverage Fox News devotes to them is preposterous. A search for “antifa” on Fox News’ website from November 2016 to the present returns 668 results, while “homelessness” returns 587, and “OxyContin,” 140. “Permafrost” returns 69. A decentralized, leaderless activist group with no record of lethal violence in this country, antifa has been skillfully transmogrified by the conservative media into one of the gravest threats facing Americans in 2019 — the rampant id of an already irrational left."

When Meghan Kelly was on Fox News she did the similar job of trying to promote the New Black Panthers as a huge organization after Fox News highlighted an incident in one polling station during the 2008 election.

This video went viral after Kelly told Kirsten Powers she didn't know what she was talking about and the two fought her vociferously:

Promoting the New Black Panther Party years ago as a new radical violent Democratic group was a lie. Fox News aired frequent freak outs over the tiny organization (what was it, three guys?) to hurt President Obama.

Now Fox News is doing the same thing for Trump.

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