July 8, 2019

Since Donald Trump pulled out of the Iranian nuclear agreement that President Obama reached, the entire region is in crisis, and the hiring of John Bolton, the notorious war hawk, as Trump's National Security Advisor has not helped the situation at all.

During a discussion on Fox News' Outnumbered, Brad Blakeman, a recurring guest on both Fox networks, who worked for the George Bush administration was adamant that if Iran develops weapons-grade plutonium we must bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Blakeman is the former president of the now-defunct Freedom's Watch lobbying organization funded by Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson.

As a discussion opened up, Blakeman pretended that Trump is looking stronger than ever after pulling out of the nuclear deal with no provocation at all.

"[Trump] is taking it to our enemies and our adversaries in a way that has never been done before," Blakeman said. He offered no evidence to back up that assertion except that he said it on the air so it must be true.

If Blakeman means that Donald Trump has only coddled and kissed up to the world's most notorious murders and thugs and only offered praise and exaltation to said murderers and thugs, then he is correct in his assumption that no other president has done so before Donald Trump.

Host Jessica Tarlov explained that Iran was complying with the Iran agreement until Trump pulled out and even his own administration told the world that Iran had not violated the agreement.

Immediately Melissa Francis rushed in along with Harris Faulkner, crying that Iran must've been hiding all that plutonium somewhere, giving Trump a reason to break the deal.

Then Harris Faulkner wondered what the United States should do if Iran crosses some unidentified red line.

"I don't know if we live at a time where a red line means what it used to mean, but it used to mean that if you crossed it, you get hit in some sort of way," Faulker said.

"I don't know if that's diplomatically, more sanctions, what it would look like. If we find out that Iran is actually enriching at a greater level, if they are weapons- weapons-grade-capable more than ever before in a short little while, will that be a red line? What do you think would be due?," she asked.

"I think we would have to form a coalition and we have to take out their centers of enrichment," said Blakeman, "...similar to what the Israelis have done before -- targeted..."

Harris asked, "But how do we approach that? Melissa makes such a great point, we haven't had eyes on all of those places. so are you talking about going in on the ground? Like how are we going to know?"

"Well, we have to take them at their word. they are telling us that...," he answered.

Tarlov jumped in and said, "I thought we can't take their word about anything?"

Harris asked again, "Do we have to go in, is my point, Brad?"

"If necessary, yes, we do," he said emphatically. "It's in allies' interests that they do not possess weapons-grade uranium. enough to make --"

There you have it. Trump surrogates are now priming the gears of war on TV and oiling the wheels for an invasion of Iran.

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