Trump clearly hates little brown children forcibly ripped away from their families, warehoused in for-profit waystations, deprived of even the smallest freedoms. Happy 4th of July, kids.
Donald Loves The Children - Except Migrant Children
July 4, 2019

Digby reminds of a time when Trump was so devastated over the children in Syria that he dropped the mother of all bombs on them for the use of a chemical weapon against them.

At the time The Atlantic writer David Graham wrote:

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said, “The images, especially of suffering children, have shocked the conscience of the entire civilized world.”

In interviews and public appearances to explain the shift, he consistently returned to one reason for his sudden resolve: images of children suffering from the effects of the gas attack.

“I think it’s a disgrace. I think it’s an affront to humanity. Inconceivable that somebody could do that,” Trump told The New York Times. “Those kids were so beautiful. To look at those scenes of those beautiful children being carried out.” He discussed the slaughter of children during an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, too.


During a press conference with the secretary-general of NATO, Trump said something similar. “The vicious slaughter of innocent civilians with chemical weapons, including the barbaric killing of small and helpless children and babies, must be forcefully rejected by any nation that values human life,” he said, adding, “Everybody in this room saw it all too many times over the last three or four days—young children dying, babies dying, fathers holding children in their arms that were dead. Dead children—there can’t be a worse sight, and it shouldn’t be allowed.

That’s a butcher. That’s a butcher.”

Graham also went on to note how Trump was so supportive of the wonderful children of DACA, "But the DACA situation is a very, very—it’s a very difficult thing for me. Because, you know, I love these kids. I love kids. I have kids and grandkids."

That was all the way back in 2018.

On the day before his imbecilic hijacking and self-aggrandizing of our July 4th holiday, the man of such compassion to children went on a Twitter rampage:

Digby notes, "He has no sympathy for children. He has no empathy for any other human. He is 100% self-serving and cynical in all ways."

Cruelty is Trump's middle name. And we know who the real butcher is.

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