Ayanna Pressley Drop-Kicks 'Distraction Becky' Kellyanne Conway Into Twitter Trashbin
Credit: @bluegal
July 9, 2019

There was a little dust-up, likely fanned or even created by Maureen Dowd's piece in The New York Times, between four of the most progressive freshman Democratic Representatives in Congress and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The press, and especially The Times, just LOOOOVES to paint the Dems as at each others' throats, and in disarray.

Well, they're not, and we know that because on the whole, the Democrats will stick together against the enemy, and we know who the enemy is. It's Donald Trump and his sycophants, like serial liar and eye-roller, Kellyanne Conway.

She tried to act like she was all concerned about the kids, and how mean Pelosi was for the way she spoke about the votes of four freshmen reps (Ayanna Pressley, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) on the border funding bill. Well, Rep. Pressley was having NONE of it, and now we have a brand new name for Mrs. Conway thanks to her.

Here is Kellyanne Conway's disingenuous, transparent stupidity:

That's right. She called a disagreement about something as tragic and weighty as the border crisis a "catfight." And here is Rep. Ayanna Pressley's brilliant clap-back:

Yeah, the Dems know who the enemy is. Too bad Distraction Becky doesn't.

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