July 13, 2019

The Los Angeles Angels played their first home game since the untimely and tragic passing of Tyler Scaggs, 27, and it was a game for the ages in more ways than one. Try to keep your allergies from acting up.

Every single person on the team wore his number, 45, on their jersey.

The pitchers combined for a no-hitter.

Mike Trout hit a homer.

It went 454 feet. (Scaggs' # was 45.)

LA scored 7 runs in 1st, had 13 hits overall. And the last combined no-hitter in California? Oakland on 7/13/91, the day Skaggs was born.

They all laid their jerseys on the mound when the game was over.

And today would have been his 28th birthday.

What a win. What a loss. Pass the tissues. Allergies acting up.

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