July 12, 2019

Two days ago Epstein made his case for staying in the Trump administration. This morning he's gone.

Source: USA Today

WASHINGTON – Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned amid the fallout over a plea deal he made with wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein, a sex offender charged with human trafficking girls as young as 14.

President Donald Trump announced Acosta's resignation Friday morning, saying the secretary called him Friday morning saying that the decision to resign is his.

Acosta, formerly a federal prosecutor, had defended his handling of the 2007 case and said he was "pleased" prosecutors were moving forward against Epstein, who was arrested on July 6 on charges of sex-trafficking. Epstein pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan federal court on July 8. The indictment alleges he "sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes" in New York City and Palm Beach, Florida.

Acosta gave a press conference on July 10 where he said Epstein would not have gone to jail without the plea deal.

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