Members of the Detroit Police Department are being criticized for accompanying a group of self-described Nazis over the weekend at the city's Pride parade.
WATCH: Detroit Police Under Fire For 'Marching' With Nazis At Pride Parade
June 10, 2019

Members of the Detroit Police Department are being criticized for accompanying a group of self-described Nazis over the weekend at the city's Pride parade.

Activists reacted in alarm on Saturday after being informed that the Nazi group had been given a permit to protest at the Pride event. According to The Detroit News, police were assigned "to keep the protesters and attendees apart as they marched through the festival."

"Our police, when they should be protecting us, are protecting Nazis," one protester could be heard complaining in a video on Twitter.

After videos of the Nazi march circulated on social media, activists criticized the police for not taking a stand. Others pointed out that the officers were only following orders.

Watch the videos and read some of the comments below.

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