June 20, 2019

Since Donald Trump reneged on the Iran nuclear treaty nobody has a clue on what Trump's policy actually is.

And the hiring of avid Iran war hawk John Bolton has only muddied the waters.

On this morning's 700 Club, the evangelical network put together a video package of Democratic and Republican politicians discussing the unrest over Iran.

Tensions have been heightened after a U.S. drone was just shot down by Iran.

Chairman Schiff said that the rise in tensions in the Middle East is a result of Trump pulling out of the Nuclear deal and Chuck Schumer said, "the policy in Iran has been erratic and opaque."

Crazy Sen. Tom Cotton has called for a military response from the U.S. even without congressional approval.

Taking a cue from the Democratic leader in the Senate, Pat Robertson, a staunch Trump ally also voiced his concerns.

Robertson said, "You know folks, it is a little strange, the president has abrogated the agreement with Iran to limit the nuclear capabilities and yet he's holding them to the same standards that were in that treaty and he says they are exceeding them.

Robertson continued, "That is a little bit opaque cause it was said, it's hard to understand exactly what's going on."


After President Obama completed the decade long nuclear deal with Iran, the U.S released Iranian money back to them in compliance with the negotiated deal, but the Trump administration decided to renege on the deal and pull out, which caused much consternation with our allies.

And his response to Iran is to put new sanctions on Iran to try and stop them from enriching uranium. That makes no sense at all, but if Obama did something, Trump's actions are quick to undo it, no matter what it had achieved.

And now the American people have no idea what the Trump administration will or won't do. We can only hope Trump isn't trying to 'wag the dog' on Iran since the 2020 election has begun.

U.S. foreign policy is in tatters.

That is not how you run a country and it's very telling when Pat Robertson has no clue either.

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