In a highly unusual exchange, California's Rep. Norma Torres used a bold choice of words to describe the anti-choice men in Congress.
June 12, 2019

Rep. Norma Torres is TIRED. As are we all, Congresswoman.

Today she took to the floor of the House to express exactly how tired she was, and why.

REP. TORRES: Mr. Speaker. It is tiring to hear from so many sex-starved males ON THIS FLOOR talk about a woman's right to choose. Mr. Speaker...

Welp. That was a bold choice of words, but she's not wrong. Look at the women in the video raising their eyebrows, looking down and smiling, as if to say, "We are ALL tired." Listen to the quiet, then crescendo of male voices in the background calling for order, as if to say, "Did she just call us sex-starved?" As if that was the worst part of the accusation.

Rep. Rob Woodall, the "Gentleman from Georgia" sought recognition, got it, asked if perhaps Rep. Torres wanted to withdraw her words, and she answered very slowly, because we need to speak slowly to these people,

REP. TORRES: Mr. Speaker, if it pleases my colleague on the other side, I will withdraw my statement about SEX-STARVED MALES ON THE FLOOR.

Girl. You know she relished that chance to repeat that. Then she looked over at said colleague with eyes that, honestly, should have incinerated him immediately but somehow, still, there he stood. Then she continued on with the crux of her statement, which I guess I should include here, though, I'm pretty sure everyone reading this knows what her point was.

REP. TORRES: It is tiring to be here on this floor or in committee as a woman, to continue to be counseled about what types of affordable family planning conversations that rightfully I deserve to have with my own doctor, choosing when women want to have a family, and to avoid pregnancies before they become pregnancies. It is unfortunate that that is something that continues to be denied to American women, day in and day out.

Truly, how many different ways must these anti-choice lawmakers be told that a woman's reproductive life and decisions are none of their damn business?

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