June 4, 2019

I think it's fair to say that the UK's Shadow Foreign Secretary doesn't hold Donald Trump in high regard. Thornberry called Trump a 'bully', and the only way to deal with them is through strength. "It’s like the way you deal with a bully. If you bow down in front of them, you get kicked harder."

Source: Politico EU

U.S. President Donald Trump "is a sexual predator" and "a racist," and "it's right to say that," according to U.K. Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry.

Speaking to the BBC's "Today" radio program about Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn's decision to boycott Trump's U.K. state visit this week and instead address an anti-Trump protest rally, Thornberry said it is the appropriate response to the American president.

"A state visit is an honor, and we don’t think that this president deserves an honor," Thornberry said. "He is a sexual predator, he is a racist, and it’s right to say that. And I think we need to think about when is it that our country got so scared. Why can’t we start saying things as they are?"

The shadow Cabinet minister said it's time for the U.K. to stand up to Trump.

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