Fox and Friends brought on two-weekend host Ed Henry and Pete Hegseth to discuss the controversy Trump is instigating by breaking with presidential tradition and speaking on the Fourth of July.
Co-host Ainsley said, "Democrats are begging President Trump not to speak in front of the Lincoln Memorial on 4th of July."
Trump's presidential fluffer Pete Hegseth feigned confusion, "So they're begging the President of the United States not to salute America in our nation's capital on the 4th of July?"
Kilmeade, "At the Lincoln Memorial."
It's been sacrosanct that United States presidents do not use holidays, especially Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July to promote themselves or their reelection campaigns.
Hegseth continued his defense of Trump, "To me, they're playing partisanship with this. He's not gonna hold a political campaign rally. He will hold a rally for America. The problem is for the left, they see president Trump, and they see partisanship."
How does he know Trump won't go off script and turn into the usual imbecilic self he so often does during live speeches and press conferences? It's a crass example with an egotistical narcissist using a national holiday to promote himself throughout the national media.
Hegseth then described Trump as an uniter for "this nation."
How does this man live with himself?
Ed Henry, who has been a White House correspondent for many years under many presidents, laughingly called him out because of his history covering these events.
Henry said, "On the other hand I've been to this event where they have the fireworks on the national mall. Under President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama. Presidents don't speak at this. They stay at the White House. They host military guests. It's always a nice private thing."
Then he mocked Hegseth.
"I would love to see Barack Obama announce that on July 4th, 2011, right before he was running for reelection, he was gonna speak at the Lincoln Memorial. I'm sure Pete would've taken that really well. He would have loved it."
"He would have been rooting the president on," Henry chided in a veiled shot at his co-host's sycophantical love of Trump.
Hegseth laughed it off and then just attacked the Democrats again and defended Trump.
If Pres. Obama used the Fourth of July to help his reelection campaign, Hegseth would've had a meltdown on air and explained how Obama dishonored the military and the entire Independence Dy celebration.