We all know that Trump lies as easily as he breathes the air, so you'd think that any of these reporters that have a chance to interview him would be prepared for that, but apparently keeping current on the latest Republican lies about so-called voter fraud, and a recent ruling in California where they were told to remove millions of inactive voters from their rolls is too much to ask of Meet the Press host Chuck Todd.
Here's Trump pushing the lie that removing voters from the rolls, most of whom are inactive because they've either died or moved to another state, means that California "admitted" to "a million votes."
TRUMP: Well, I think it was a – I mean, I'll say something that's, again, is controversial. There were a lot of votes cast that I don't believe. I look at California.
TODD: Mr. President.
TRUMP: Excuse me.
TODD: But that's a –
TRUMP: Take a look at Judicial Watch, take a look at their settlement where California admitted to a million votes. They admitted to a million votes.
TODD: A million votes of what?
TRUMP: Take a look at judicial –
TODD: What are you talking about?
TRUMP: Judicial Watch made a settlement. There was, there was much –
TODD: About what?
TRUMP: – there was much illegal voting. But let me tell you about the popular vote. Do you have a second?
TODD: Yes, because you were a big fan of it –
TRUMP: There are two –
TODD: – until you weren't.
TRUMP: Well, I like the popular vote.
h/t Daniel Dale