May 21, 2019

The MAGA-wearing cultists lap this stuff up like pigs to slop, of course, even as Trump jokes about wiping his *** with the Constitution. After FDR, the twenty-second amendment precludes any president from ever again serving more than two terms.

Source: The Hill

President Trump joked at a campaign rally on Monday that he could serve as many as five terms in the White House.

"Now we're going to have a second time," Trump said in Montoursville, Pa., recounting the details of his surprise election victory in 2016.

"And then we'll drive them crazy. Ready? And maybe if we really like it a lot and if things keep going like they're going, we'll go and we'll do what we have to do. We'll do a three and a four and a five."

"We're going to have another one, and it's going to be great," the president clarified as the crowd cheered him on.

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