Silencing one's critics is a staple of dictators, autocrats, and totalitarians. In totalitarian regimes, the ruler controls the media and the flow of information to the people.
May 5, 2019

On Saturday, Trump retweeted a comment from a Twitter feed that had only 235 followers at the time that called for Judge Napolitano's removal from their airtime.

A major component of the dictatorship/totalitarian rulers is to have a monopoly on the means of communication.

Under Trump, Fox News has become an almost total state-sponsored propaganda network that supports every whim, bad decision, despicable act, vile remark and embarrassing foreign policy decision he makes. They then try to rewrite the laws of nature to blame the opposing political party for all of Trump's bad behaviors.

There are but a few on Fox News that try to give honest opinions on the Trump administration, even when they are longtime friends of Donald Trump and one of those is Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Napolitano has not shied away from refusing to bend the knee to Trump and support his every move, unlike so many allegedly patriotic Republicans. And for that, Trump is now calling for his removal from the Fox News Channel.

I don't know how he even found this tweet:

"When you look at the continuous incorrect statements by Napolitano over the past 2 years, it is fair to ask FNC why they allow him to have national air time. The man has been significantly wrong on at least 8 major occasions. Unacceptable! Take him off the air!"

Another common feature in Stalin's Russia was to increase the power of the military and Trump has made that another staple of his ideology.

Controlling the media, building up the military which these days seems to include militia movements and far-right extremists is a scary notion for the United States of America especially when the Republican Party is allowing Trump to defile the Constitution.

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