During a staged press opportunity to watch Donald Trump crow about his tariffs and pretend he cares about farmers, he took a moment to dump on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and stroke his own ego.
Unprompted, Trump said, "I haven't changed very much. I've been very consistent. I'm an extremely stable genius."
This was said in the context of an also-unprompted slam on Pelosi, where he called her a "mess," a quote MSNBC's Kelly O'Donnell was anxious to send out to her devotees on Twitter and which Pelosi jumped on immediately:
Speaker Pelosi knows where all the soft spots are, and she's jabbing them, like she did earlier when she suggested his family and staff stage an intervention.
At any rate, watch the entire panel laugh their collective butts off before Eugene Robinson observes rather drily that anyone who declares themselves a "stable genius" is certainly not one.
It wasn't just the MSNBC panel either. Twitter really enjoyed the fun:
And the toady from Louisiana:
It's just fascinating to watch Pelosi push him closer and closer to a full meltdown. For the first time in 2 years, I want to pop some popcorn. Unsalted, of course.
Ed. note: A previous version of this story erroneously identified Eugene Robinson as Eugene Scott. We regret the error.