ABOVE: Video from "Deadline: White House" from February of this year covering the Matt Gaetz tweet, threatening Congressional witness Michael Cohen.
It turns out that tweeting blackmail threats may actually have consequences, and it's not something you can delete from the Bar Association's memory banks. In February Gaetz tweeted the day before Cohen was set to testify:
“Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot...”
The tweet went viral, and facing near-universal condemnation, Gaetz deleted the tweet and apologized. He THEN appeared at Cohen's testimony, whispering with other Republicans despite not being a member of the committee.
That's called witness-tampering, Godfather-style. And the Florida Bar is not letting this go. Tampa Bay Times:
An investigation into U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz will proceed, the Florida Bar said Wednesday, meaning the Panhandle Republican could face discipline for allegedly intimidating President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen.
A grand jury-like panel called the Grievance Committee will next decide whether there is probable cause that Gaetz’s tweet violated Florida rules for lawyers. Gaetz is licensed to practice law in Florida.
Legal experts compared [Gaetz's tweet] to intimidation of a witness. Walter Schaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics replied to Gaetz’s tweet with the federal statute number for tampering with a witness.
Being disbarred doesn't disqualify him from serving in Congress but it's not a good look. Of course, neither are DUI's, right Matt?
It's not so much that this twerp serves in Congress but that his Florida (South Alabama, really) district (R+22) re-elected him. Shame on the voters of his district.