MSNBC should just can Hugh Hewitt. He's not a voice of dissent, he's a propaganda spinner with his nose in the air who likes to think he's an intellectual because he can pronounce foreign names without making a fool of himself.
But underneath the airs, he's just a dirty, intellectually dishonest warmongering shill for the billionaires lusting after Iran's oil. His primary purpose is to spread fear and loathing of Iranians, who are people just like we are, in a country that we need to keep our noses out of.
Because I am merciful, I didn't clip the part where Hewitt went through a litany of reasons to hate Iran, beginning with the fact that it's a theocracy. High irony from the shill for the American Taliban turning women into hosts for fetuses and little more, all in the name of Jesus, whom I believe would be horrified at the very thought.
Hewitt wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post which was his sole reason for appearing with Velshi. In it, he opines:
"Bolton has an able partner in Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Both are advising President Trump in the same fashion; both believe and have publicly argued that Iran was, is and will remain a rogue regime as long as theocrats bent on the destruction of Israel and the triumph of its Shiite ideology over Sunni Islam remain in power. Trump is no fan of long-term “nation building” projects that are often lazily grouped under the head of “neoconservatism,” but the president is very much a proponent of hitting bad actors hard when they cross lines, as he has done twice with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s genocidal regime.
Pimp for war with Iran, Hewitt is. And Ali Velshi wasn't having it, knocking Hewitt off his high horse long enough to point out that there's a double standard in play. On the one hand, Bolton and Pompeo are banging the war drums for Iranian aggression while overlooking others' equally serious transgressions. Like, for example, Saudi Arabia.
"I could say all of this stuff about the Saudis, right?," Velshi asked. "The Saudis are bombing the Yemenis. They had them in Syria, they had them in Iraq. What's changed?"
Hewitt huffed, "I don't think you can say that they act like the Iranian regime. The Iranian regime exports chaos.They're a terrorist organization. and they announced --"
Velshi could take no more. "Hugh, just stop, for heavens sake! The Saudis don't export terror? The Saudis don't have terrorism tendencies," he shouted over Hewitt.
This is one moment where I applaud a host for talking over a guest. Has Hewitt suddenly forgotten that all of the 911 bombers were Saudi? That Osama Bin Laden was Saudi? Yet he sits there with a straight face and claims the Saudis don't export terrorism?
Good for Ali Velshi. Even better? Don't put this faux intellectual on the air to poison people.