Donald Trump took another swing at Rep. Ilhan Omar in her own state of Minnesota last night, once again casting her as "the other."
April 16, 2019

Donald Trump continued his unprecedented attacks on newly elected Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from Minnesota in most heinous fashion, while visiting Minnesota.

After pulling a Breitbart and posting an edited version of her comments against 9-11 footage to smear her as an anti-American terrorist, he continued his vicious assault against one of the first Muslim women ever elected to Congress.

Local station KSTP asked him if he regretted his posting he calmly stated like a true sadist, “No, not at all. Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”

Whether or not a congressperson is disrespectful to a foreign country (She wasn’t) is a moot point since she has the right to express her opinions but when the President of the United States takes a Fox News slam on her, refines it, and singles here out for extreme ridicule after she's already received countless death threats just goes beyond the pale, smashing yet more norms.

For a man who only thinks about himself above all others these remarks were particularly disturbing.

“She is somebody that doesn't really understand, I think, life, real life, what it’s all about. It’s unfortunate — she's got a way about her that's very, very bad, I think, for our country,” he said.

You know what that means as well as I do. She's just not American enough.

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