April 15, 2019

Watch this assh*le Marc Lotter (Trump 2020 comms director) explain to Alysin Camerota that Rep. Ilhan Omar was asking for death threats. Hear him use the all the slippery rationales for which wingnuts are famous as he justifies Trump's call for stochastic violence. Ho hum, just another day on the Trump campaign!

Oddly enough (oh wait, it's a day ending in Y), the quote for which Omar is being threatened was incomplete and out of context:

Trumpies don't care about facts. They are looking for opportunities to gin up the crazies (Trump's most reliable voting bloc). Expect to hear much more of this in the next campaign cycle.

Diaper Don checks in, too:

I just want to remind you exactly what we're dealing with here:

Yeah, remember this? Kathy Griffin allegedly made Barron Trump sad:

Trump attacking women, especially brown women. If you don't know yet that racism is the main selling point of voting for Republicans, you're just not paying attention.

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