Matt Gaetz Busted For Lying: Not 'At The Border,' Not Trump's Wall
Credit: Twitter / Matt Gaetz
April 17, 2019

The border wall is the big con, folks. And Republican Congressmen are in on it.

Trump toady Rep. Matt Gaetz tweeted this Tuesday:

But as Shareblue reports, the photo isn't from the border and isn't of "The Wall."

They were not on the border. They were not witnessing construction of a wall on the border.

The members were visiting a demonstration of wall-building technology and prototypes put on by Fisher Industries, an Arizona-based construction company. Over the last year, company CEO Tommy Fisher (a frequent Fox News guest) has donated thousands to Republican candidates.

Troy Hayden, a reporter for the local Fox affiliate who covered the event, noted that it took place in Coolidge, Arizona. Coolidge is over 100 miles from the border. Washington DC...

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