April 3, 2019

All the newsies this morning are reporting that the Secret Service arrested a Chinese woman who bypassed layers of security and gained access to the reception area of Merde-a-Lardo this weekend. AP:

“A woman carrying two Chinese passports and a device containing computer malware lied to Secret Service agents and briefly gained admission to President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club over the weekend during his Florida visit, federal prosecutors allege in court documents. Yujing Zhang, 32, approached a Secret Service agent at a checkpoint outside the Palm Beach club early Saturday afternoon and said she was a member who wanted to use the pool, court documents said. …

“Zhang’s story changed when she got inside, agents say, telling a front desk receptionist she was there to attend the United Nations Chinese American Association event scheduled for that evening. No such event was scheduled and agents were summoned. … Zhang carried four cellphones, a laptop computer, an external hard drive and a thumb drive containing computer malware. She did not have a swimsuit.”

So much for mixing bidness with pleasure at Comrade Stupid’s grift shop. I mean, since he lets members make policy decisions for The Veterans Administration , or watch the start of a potential nuclear war sover beautiful chocolate cake, finds purse-designer ambassadors, etc., from his bribers, er, donors, I don’t see why assorted spies from other countries cannot go to Merde-a-Lardo to grease his small, orange, palms. Cut out the middleman! Art of the Self-Deal!

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