April 18, 2019

More like this, please, John King.

In this morning's presser, Bill Barr tried to paint Donald Trump as a victim. John King wasn't having it.

JOHN KING: Look, a lot of Democrats even the Democrats who voted against Bill Barr, thought, "He's an adult, a Bush Republican. This will be different." He proved today he's a Trump Republican. It's clear he's a Trump Republican. To the idea the president is a victim, okay, maybe let's read the report. Maybe Robert Mueller says, "You know what, again, they took a lot of stupid meetings. They shouldn't have done this, should have known better. It wasn't illegal."

If the president is a victim, he's a victim because the FBI saw his campaign meeting with Russians during a presidential election and monitoring conversations where they find out they're offering dirt on his opponent.

If he's a victim, it's because Michael Flynn lied to journalists and to federal investigators about his meeting with Russians.

And Jared Kushner said he didn't meet with the ambassador. He met with the ambassador.

If he's a victim, he's a victim of the lies of the people around him that got the FBI thinking, "What is going on here?"

DANA BASH: Also, if he's a victim, let Rudy Giuliani say that, let Jay Sekulow say that, his personal attorneys say that. The legal minds across the way here, is this something that we are supposed to see from the Attorney General of the United States? Not the Attorney General of the President of the United States?

Can you help us out?

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