Hey, an oil lobbyist was confirmed as Trump's Interior Secretary four days ago, so he's not "acting" secretary. Though it looks like he's STILL a lobbyist, because why would anyone give up their "business" to take a "job" in the Trump White House?
Four Days On The Job, Trump's Interior Sec Already Charged On Ethics
April 18, 2019

Trump Appointee Sets New Land-Speed Record for Corruption!

After only 4 days on the job, the Interior Department’s office of inspector general reports that it has opened a formal investigation into ethical conflicts (ALLEGED!) by a former lobbyist for natural resources industries and newly confirmed Interior Secretary David Bernhardt.

Bernhardt is being investigated for a number of questionable ethical violations, including:

  • pushing a former lobbying client’s policy goal (ALLEGEDLY!)
  • blocking a science report on the harmful effects of a pesticide (ALLEGEDLY!)
  • [prepare yourselves for a shock Gentle Readers!] continuing to act as a lobbyist (ALLEGEDLY!)

Somewhere, former Interior Department Secretary Ryan ‘low heels’ Zinke is smiling.

Crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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