April 22, 2019

Once again, Elizabeth Warren shows everyone how to lead on an issue. At her town hall Monday night on CNN, she was of course asked about her position on impeachment. After an impassioned speech about how it's a moral obligation to impeach a president who collaborated with a hostile foreign power to win the 2016 election, Anderson Cooper engaged in the usual media concern trolling.

"But you started off by saying -- by talking about some of your travels and people talking about climate change, their concerns, tabletop issues," he reminded her.

"Doesn't putting a lot of people's focus on impeaching the president, which is not going to pass in the Senate, it won't go anywhere in that sense, doesn't that take away focus from the tabletop issues that you and other Democrats say you want to run on?" he asked.

Grrrrr. I'm SO TIRED OF THIS. And so was Senator Warren. Her answer was right on the money. delivered as passionately as the question deserved.

"If you've actually read the Mueller report, it's all laid out there," she said. "It's not like it's going to take a long time to figure that out. It's there. It's got the footnotes, it's got the points, it connects directly to the law," she continued.

And here is where she gets right down to it, leading all of us through some of the most damning evidence in the report in a simple and effective ways.

"I took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and so did everybody else in the Senate and in the House, and I believe that every person in the Senate and the House ought to have to vote and to say either, yeah, that's okay with me. yeah, let a president just step in the way he did when he told the White House counsel to go fire Mueller, and then told the White House counsel to go lie about having told the White House counsel to go fire Mueller, and then told the White House counsel to write a letter saying that Donald Trump had not told him to go fire Mueller and then to say, 'why on earth would you take notes about what I said to you? The lawyers I deal with never put anything in writing.'"

Here's her punchline: "If there are people in the House or the Senate who want to say that's what a president can do when the president is being investigated for his own wrongdoings or when a foreign government attacks our country, then they should have to take that vote and live with it for the rest of their lives."

Resounding applause from the audience and from me. Do the right and moral thing: Impeach the bastard. Get the sycophants on the record. Get them on the record early and then make them wear his crimes like sponsor patches on a NASCAR driver. You betcha.

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