April 25, 2019

Could this news be why Donald Trump has been tweeting like a madman over the last 48 hours? CNN is reporting that Deutsche Bank has starting hanging over financial records to the New York Attorney General's office to aid them in investigations into his businesses, loans, and other financial dealings.

Just last month the New York Attorney General issued subpoenas for records related to financial information for "several Trump Organization projects." This investigation was initiated in part based on Congressional testimony provided by Trump's former personal attorney and "fixer", Michael Cohen. In his testimony, Cohen stated that Trump had "inflated his assets", which could be a crime if they were knowingly fabricated or exaggerated in an effort to secure loans or funding.

It's worth remembering that Deutsche Bank has had big problems in the recent past with money laundering, too.

Deutsche Bank is handing over "documents, including emails and loan documents, related to Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC; the Trump National Doral Miami; the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago; and the unsuccessful effort to buy the NFL's Buffalo Bills."

Nothing terrifies Donald Trump more than the prospect of being outed as a grifter, a conman, a cash-poor snake oil salesman. Oh, there is one thing that terrifies him more! Seeing his 2016 victory proven illegitimate. Here's hoping both happen.

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