This is worth watching. Chris Matthews went on a rant about what Republicans would do if the Russians had helped Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I am not going to go on this rant more than maybe today, but I'm not going to forget it. We have enough in our face right now. The headlines are enough for me.
The Russians, in a sweeping effort to destroy our electoral process, gave it to Trump. They wanted to screw Hillary and gave it to Trump. That's all fact and all there. Seventeen agencies did that. They gave that to us a long time ago. That is confirmed by this report. They did it to help Trump win. Had that been the case, had they tried to help Hillary win,
there would have been a national frickin' unbelievable explosion in the Republican Party. “You mean the Reds in Moscow, those people, the KGB got the other person elected? That's how it happened?” I'm mimicking what they would be doing. “Then she tried to fire the Republican of the FBI and the good old southern boy, who was an honest guy in terms of going after the investigation, because he recused himself? Any sign of honesty was not there?” If that was Hillary Clinton? I'm sorry! I don't know what punishment they would have thought of, but it wouldn't be just kicking her out of office. And yet, the Democrats are schmoozing about this. “Ohh, I don't know.” Your thoughts?
AISHA MOODIE-MILLS (Democratic Strategist): Thank you so much, Chris, for making that plain. These folks are hypocrites. The Republicans are hypocrites. If we were under attack and assault with a Democrat that got elected president by the Russians, by outside agitators whoever it would be, certainly they would be saying that that president is not legitimate. Here we are with all the evidence in front of us and the Democrats have not pulled their pants up to acknowledge the fact that this guy is not legitimate. Even still the last couple of days, the report comes out and there is a bot universe on Twitter that has been unleashed and rushing the Russiagate in support of Donald Trump. Oh, fake news. These are frankly our enemies to lift up and boost this administration, and nobody is really concerned about why. That is problematic and I really challenge the Democrats to pull it together and acknowledge the fact that the United States is absolutely under attack and assault. We need to have a real conversation about that.