At Mar-A-Lago, Trump Whines That Jews Still Vote For Democrats
Credit: C&L: Screengrab
March 11, 2019

In a closed-door meeting at Mar-A-Lago held for RNC donors on Friday, Trump said Democrats hate the Jewish people and then complained that the Jewish community still votes for Democrats.

Axios reports that his security team removed all cell phones before Trump spoke and put them in "magnetized pouches that they carried around like purses until they left the club."

However, that didn't stop participants from speaking out about it.

While he performed his usual rally style gobbledygook stream of nonsense, he made some very troubling remarks.

  • Trump said he didn't understand how any Jew could vote for a Democrat these days. Trump talked about how much he'd done for Israel, noting his historic decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • Trump said if he could run to be prime minister of Israel, he'd be at 98% in the polls, according to three sources who were there.

Trump has been the most sympathetic president to white nationalism that has ever existed, is supported by the likes of David Duke, took the time to defend some of those very fine neo-Nazi people after the Charlottesville atrocity and who called Gary Cohen "a globalist" when he left his administration..

Just sucking up to Bibi Netanyahu and moving a building to Jerusalem does not erase the history of his many anti-Semitic outbursts.

As Matt Shulman writes for TPM:

Trump performed poorly among Jews in the 2016 election — perhaps due to his comments to the Republican Jewish Coalition that “you’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money” and “you want to control your own politician,” or his initial refusal to reject the support of former KKK grand wizard David Duke.

Or maybe it was the anti-Semitic meme he tweeted showing Hillary Clinton’s face against a backdrop of dollar bills, next to a six-point star with the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” A few days later, then-Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Michael Flynn shared a tweet — “a mistake,” he later said — that criticized “the corrupt Democratic machine” and vowed “Not anymore, Jews. Not anymore.”

Here's a blast from the past from the late Charles Krauthammer after Trump's despicable Charlottesville performance.

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