Trump Still Trying To Sell Saudis Nuclear Weapons
Credit: Getty Images: Mandal Ngan
March 5, 2019

The Daily Beast is reporting that Trump is still trying to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear technologies.

This is outrageous.

Even after the news broke that disgraced Gen. Michael Flynn was trying to sell nuclear goodies to the Saudis they are still trying to cut a deal. This sale rolls over the Atomic Energy Act and other rigorous safeguards that Saudi Arabia has notagreed to.

Professional staff and officials in the administration told The Daily Beast they are still concerned about the possible connection between efforts by private businesses to engage with Saudi Arabia on nuclear energy and the quiet, ongoing discussions between senior U.S. officials and Riyadh about a deal. Those government-to-government conversations, some of which took place in Riyadh, have often excluded professional staff and taken place behind closed doors, according to two individuals with knowledge of the interactions.

Curtailing nuclear proliferation around the world has been a cornerstone of American diplomacy since World War II, and as Brookings wrote in 2009, "proliferation of nuclear weapons is one of the deadliest threats to the human race."

But to Trump, it's just a transaction, which in his mind is all about winning.

Digby writes, "It's all about money for Trump. The parochial moron literally thinks that his job is for the US to make a profit.
"Trump's entire worldview is that of a small town real estate agent or strip mall developer. There is literally nothing else. And his people --- like Bolton and Pompeo --- have such blind hatred for Iran that they're willing to arm the country that spawned al Qaeda and ISIS with nuclear technology. They are as dangerous as their boss."

I wonder what the late Charles Krauthammer would have said about this?

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