Trump Attacks McCain In Tweet Rant: He Was 'Working' With Dems To Ruin Me
March 17, 2019

Donald Trump on Sunday asserted that the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) had been "working" with Democrats before his death to undermine the president's administration. McCain died after a long battle with glioblastoma in August, 2018. It is unclear why Trump focused on the deceased senator particularly this weekend.

In a tweet, Trump said that it had been "proven in court papers" that McCain was "last in his class" at Annapolis Naval Academy.

He went on to claim that McCain had been behind a dossier of damaging information about Trump. Per The New York Times, the dossier was created during the 2016 campaign, initially at the behest of The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website supporting the candidacy of Marco Rubio during the primaries. McCain found out about the existence of the dossier around Election Day 2016, obtained a copy and then passed it on to James Comey, then the head of the FBI after Election Day for investigation, as would be appropriate for any elected representative when presented with raw intelligence suggesting that Russia was actively interfering with our democratic elections.

"Even the Fake News refused this garbage!" Trump exclaimed in the tweet.

Trump started his rant against McCain late Saturday night, ironically citing disgraced former Clinton Independent Counsel Ken Starr (who had to resign in disgrace as president of Baylor University for his failures in dealing with sexual assault scandals) to cast a "dark stain" against McCain.

McCain's daughter, Meghan, took expected umbrage at Trump's unhinged attacks on her late father.

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