The man who led the two and a half year Benghazi witch hunt against Hillary Clinton whines to Fox "news" about Democrats promising to do their oversight duty of this corrupt administration.
March 24, 2019

The man who led the two and a half year Benghazi witch hunt against Hillary Clinton, which produced nothing, and that now Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy openly admitted was all about doing political harm to Clinton, is now very sad that Democrats are "flipping the burden of proof" on Trump/Russia collusion:

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said Thursday that the rhetoric from top House Democrats has been "disheartening," given the fact that the Mueller probe has not indicted anyone from the Trump campaign for alleged collusion with Russia.

Speaking to MSNBC this week, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) said he believes "indictments are waiting for this president" and said the law should be changed to allow for a sitting president to face charges.

Meantime, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said recently that he expects the Mueller report - rumored to be coming soon - to contain "direct evidence" of Trump-Russia collusion.

Responding on "The Story," Gowdy noted that Schiff and Swalwell, both former prosecutors, now seem to be flipping the burden of proof.

"Trump is now presumed guilty and that is the sad part to me. Two former prosecutors are willing to put their entire backgrounds on hold because they simply do not like the president," he told Ed Henry.

Gowdy said all lawmakers and American citizens must follow the facts and wait for what Mueller actually releases to the public. He said Mueller will not "conclude" whether a crime was committed, he will allege crimes and a jury will eventually decide.

"There's a presumption of innocence in this country whether Democrats like Schiff and Swalwell like it or not."

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