March 1, 2019

I've been a part of the Crooks and Liars staff for twelve years and this is the hardest story I've ever had to write.

"Babies in cages" was horrible. But those kids are with a couple of notable exceptions, still alive. And no one is saying publicly that KILLING THEM was acceptable because the fascist authoritarian dictator didn't know about it. Really, that's their excuse.

Trump is siding with pure evil, and his collaborators are too. The parents of Otto Warmbier were forced to set aside their grief and speak out against the so-called president of OUR country. It's so sad.

I won't insert a string of swear words about Kellyanne Conway but I will say I hope she's preparing for the afterlife. She can go straight to Hell for going on Fox News and excusing Kim Jong-Un's murder of a US Citizen and civilian.

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