If everyone reads the manifesto of a white supremacist mass murder, they'll realize he's more influence by China than Donald Trump. Not making that up.
March 18, 2019

We haven't reached peak awful in the Trump administration yet? Who knew?

Kellyanne Conway was on Fox and Friends to do media cleanup after the New Zealand mosque shooter's manifesto mentioned Trump as “a symbol of white identity."

And sure any mass murderer with a manifesto can mention any American president, but when he mentions one that wants a wall with Mexico and a Muslim ban on entry to the US, defending that president gets difficult.

I would never think of asking people to go read the manifesto to clarify that the killer's real influence wasn't Donald Trump. Holy shiteballs, Kellyanne:

“He put out a 70-page manifesto, and I guess everybody scoured it and searched for Donald Trump’s name, and there it is one time,” she said. “But he also said he aligns closely with the ideology of China, he’s not a conservative, he’s not a Nazi, I think he referred to himself as an ‘eco-naturalist’ or ‘eco-fascist.’ People should read [the manifesto] in its entirety.”

Sure, THAT won't elevate his message of hatred at. all. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

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