Pete "I haven't washed my hands in 10 years" Hegseth made another bananas statement on Fox News today: go buy more AR-15's! Buy all of the AR-15's! The evil, Constitution hating Democrats are going to come take YOUR GUNZ so you must BUY ALL THE GUNZ, YOU PATRIOTS.
Ok, that wasn't a word for word transcript, but you get the jist.
What had his panties in a bunch? Probably bacteria picked up from his decades-long avoidance of hand soap has reached his brain and a combination of fear based off of a clip of Beto O'Rourke suggesting the sale of AR-15's be banned.
First, "poop hands" Pete brags that he has a manly AR-15 (overcompensating much, Petey?), then he gloats about gun stocks going up after "things like this" ie, mass shooting by a white nationalist, and then he ends with this helpful suggestion for the murder gun enthusiast:
"Go out and get your second AR-15 today. Maybe it's a good reason to do so."
Pete, go wash your hands. We don't need more guns in this country. We need better gun control laws.
Hegseth might also remember what happened to his colleague, Jeanine Pirro, when she fed into the mindless hate and bigotry of The Other. After 50 Muslims were murdered in yet another example of stochastic white nationalist terror attacks, it might not be the best thing for Fox News executives to be complacent about another one of their on-air "talent" recommending that their older, bigoted, conservative base to take up arms.