Facebook Has Another 'Oops,' Part Infinity
March 14, 2019

Facebook is now under criminal investigation for partnerships they made with more than 150 companies to give them special access to users’ data, according to the NYTimes:

“Federal prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation into data deals Facebook struck with some of the world’s largest technology companies, intensifying scrutiny of the social media giant’s business practices as it seeks to rebound from a year of scandal and setbacks. A grand jury in New York has subpoenaed records from at least two prominent makers of smartphones and other devices.”

Facebook is currently facing probes by the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission, plus the US Justice Department, so they got that goin’ for themselves.

Related news:

WhatsApp cofounder Brian Acton defended his decision to sell his company to Facebook for $19 billion and encouraged students to delete their accounts from the social network in a rare public appearance at Stanford University on Wednesday…

“And we give them the power,” he continued. “That’s the bad part. We buy their products. We sign up for these websites. Delete Facebook, right?

That’s gonna leave a mark.

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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