Dan Bongino, the guy who’s “all about owning the libs” was the one who got owned yesterday by Republican Rick Wilson.
Dan Bongino Melts Down Over Photo With Florida Massage Parlor Owner
Credit: Screengrab
March 9, 2019

Dan Bongino, the guy who’s “all about owning the libs” was the one who got owned yesterday when Republican Rick Wilson tweeted a photo of Bongino with a Florida woman who just happened to be the previous owner of the massage parlor/prostitution ring that recently ensnared Patriots owner Robert Kraft.

It turns out that Bongino’s photo partner, Li Yang, is quite the MAGA gal. From a deep dive in the Miami Herald: [S]he has now become a fixture at Republican political events up and down the East Coast. Her Facebook is covered in photos of herself standing with President Trump, his two sons, Eric and Donald Jr., Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Rick Scott, Sarah Palin, the president’s campaign manager and an assortment of other high-level Republican operators she has met at charity events, political fundraisers and galas, many of which require hefty donations to attend. She sometimes carries a rhinestone encrusted MAGA clutch purse.

Although Yang has since sold the spa where Kraft was caught in flagrante delicto on video, the Herald found many online comments on Yelp and elsewhere indicating that there was prostitution going on under Yang’s ownership as well.

Apparently, Wilson found a tweeted photo of Yang with Fox News contributor Bongino. Wilson, a Never Trumper, thoughtfully retweeted it for the rest of us.

Let’s just say Bongino didn’t handle it well:

Raw Story has some funny tweets in reaction.

Check out the Miami Herald slide show below of some of Yang’s other MAGA pals below:

Crossposted at News Hounds.

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