Chuck Rosenberg said, "I saw a flash of light..."
Twenty-two months after the inception of the Mueller probe, begun after FBI DirectorJames Comey was fired by Donald Trump, Robert Mueller has handed his his exhaustive report investigating Russian interference into our 2016 presidential election over to Attorney General Bill Barr. What Barr will do with it remains to be seen, but one thing we know is that Trump will claim vindication no matter what.
Julia Ainsley read a statement by Bill Barr, saying he anticipates being able to advise Trump of the conclusions as early as the end of this weekend, and he pledged he will also disclose the conclusions to the public. Furthermore, he will consult with Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller when deciding what information can and should be released and/or redacted.
However, according to Pete Williams, all we might learn is who Mueller prosecuted (we already know that,) who he wanted to prosecute, but didn't, and why. The stuff we all REALLY want to know is all that other information in the Mueller report, and we don't know how much and when he can tell us that.
We DO know that the report was concluded without Donald Trump being interviewed under oath in front of a Grand Jury.
Edited to add Speaker Pelosi and Senator Shumer's Joint Statement: