Trump comically told the press that his forced federal government shutdown made people aware of how bad and unsafe the border is, ignoring the 800K workers he hurt in the process.
CNN cut to Trump's remarks in a press spray as he signaled he'll sign the upcoming bipartisan deal because he was made aware how badly shutting down the government over his fakakta wall had been.
He made the type of remarks an autocratic leader would make after trashes the government he represents because of right-wing criticisms and petty resentment.
"I don't want to see a shutdown. A shutdown would be a terrible thing."
Ya, think?
Then he tried to pat himself on the back for screwing the nation and those federal workers.
"I think a point was made with the last shutdown. People realize how bad the border is. How unsafe the border is and I think a lot of good points were made...."
The opposite happened, of course. His temper tantrum hurt the American workers and disrupted the economy.
All the serious polls (Rasmussen not included) show Americans disapprove of his actions as president, don't want his frikking wall and don't want the government shutdown over it.