February 12, 2019

Yes, Donald Trump tweeted out a nasty at Senator Elizabeth Warren referring to the Trail of Tears, after she announced she was running for president. Yes, it was racist and yes, it was disgusting to refer to a genocide of Native Americans as a joke. But he did it, and Seth Meyers tackled it.

For her part, Senator Warren said Trump "is the latest and most extreme symptom of what has gone wrong in America," and Meyers jumped right on it.

“Basically what she is saying is that Trump is not the disease but the symptoms. Actually, he is a bunch of symptoms. He is basically what you would see on the back of a pill bottle. May cause inflammation, excessive sweating, hair loss, discoloration of the skin and dryness of the mouth,” he laughed.

Have you ever paid attention to those lists of symptoms in the pharma ads? They're scary as hell. Might result in heart attack, stroke, death. I'd say that we could say the same for Trump, don't you think?

As for his nasty racist tweet about the Trail of Tears, Meyers said, “This tweet is actually racist, but there are some conservative debating that it wasn’t about the trail of tears because Trump doesn’t know what that is,” he said. “They're actually defending Trump by saying he is too dumb to be racist.”

That refers to Brit Hume, who tweets out nasty things all the time, but this one was rich:

Meyers summed it up this way: “If you ever find yourself wondering if Trump is ‘dumb’ or ‘racist’ the answer is C , ‘all of the above.”

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