February 11, 2019

Sally Kohn brought some interesting perspective during her first (!!!) visit to The Beat on Monday night. She and Ari were discussing Donald Trump's excessive Executive Time and she kind of wants him to take more. Lots more. And why? Because he is less destructive if he isn't working.

MELBER: Are you pro "executive time"?

KOHN: I -- I am pro Donald Trump doing whatever it is he is doing that is keeping him from further causing a train wreck that is his presidency.

(montage of FOX news talking heads and the dumber of the two Trump son's talking about how awesome Executive Time is)

KOHN: Look, I'm half joking, but I work that much harder. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if he did? That being said, what does disturb me, and let's be clear, as your clip show, this is a little bit of partisan theater here. It's not like the internal schedules of past President, including Barack Obama were that chock a block, right? So a lot of this is private. The details aren't shared internally, and that's as it should be.

The problem is what we know Donald Trump is doing with his time. For instance, he is not taking intelligence briefings. Even George W. Bush took a daily intelligence briefing. Trump wants the mini cartoon version and he only wants it every couple of days. That's a problem. In the week of the State of the Union when there are lots of global threats brewing that he fear mongered about during his talk, he less time in intelligence briefings than he spent with the alt-right architect of all the fear mongering going on in our country. That's the thing that disturbs me what he is doing when he is working as well.

There is no question, this is a dumpster fire of a Presidency, and this for those of us who already believe that on substance just goes to prove it on style.

MELBER: And you agree with all your FOX friends then?

KOHN: Well, I don't -- this is always the paradox of Trump, right? I don't want the -- Stacey Abrams said I don't want the presidency to fail.

MELBER: Right.

KOHN: But I certainly don't want the President who is so hell bent on caging children stoking Islamophobia, undermining women's rights, destroying the environment. I don't want him to succeed. I don't want him to put his nose to the grindstone and work even harder on the agenda. He is having a destructive enough impact as it is.

Lazy Executive Time Trump > Destructive Works 10 hours a day Trump

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