American Conservative Union head Matt Schlapp -- the very same Matt Schlapp who served as a ratfcker from the Bush Florida Recount days, when he was literally a member of the Brooks Brothers Riot -- deigned to appear as a guest on The Beat with Ari Melber on Tuesday night to discuss this tweet:
It did not go well. I mean, for starters, WHY THE HELL IS HE ON TV? He is a liar. A propagandist. A shill. He is useless. Nothing he says is of value and he refuses to answer any questions posed by the interviewer. But even worse is his complete and utter disdain and shocking rudeness displayed to Melber in this clip.
According to Ari Melber's Twitter, Schlapp was on to discuss the tweet, which is essentially an admission of intent to obstruct justice. That would have been worth a discussion, but instead we got the classic Schlapp song and dance routine.
At one point he actually said "take a breath" to Melber when he started asking questions Schlapp didn't want to answer. Why his mic was not cut off is beyond me.
Hosts and bookers need to realize how aggravating it is to viewers to see these lying, maggot filled pustules on our tvs. We switch the channel. We walk away. We tune out. It is disrespectful of our time. This is not why we watch their shows. We want actual interviews with valuable guests who share important information, or at the very least elevate the discussion while informing us. Facts are good; filibusters are bad.
This interview was a waste of 7 minutes that could have been used with a better guest.