This moment on Wednesday's Meet the Press Daily should never be forgotten. Kasie Hunt asks Chuck Todd a bonafide introspective question. After noting that the Republicans on the House Oversight Committee focussed all of their attention on calling Cohen a liar, and that they couldn't defend Trump's actions because those actions are indefensible, Kasie said this:
"The reality is the President of the United States was paying tens of thousands of dollars to someone covering up an alleged affair with a porn star in the run-up to an election. How did we lose sight of this? It's really unclear to me."
Chuck Todd replied, "It's not unclear. Stating that clearly, as you just said, is something that's useful and something that we need to keep doing."
And then it's on to the next press scrum!
Because it literally does not matter if Chuck Todd says "both sides" three hundred times in an hour or is too hyped up on whatever Donald Trump tweeted today to cover the demise of our democracy. The suits upstairs are in it to sell pharmaceutical advertising.
Here's three clues to answer your "how did we lose sight of this" question, Katie?
1. Trump was so good for ratings cable news forgot their obligation to the First Amendment.
2. The insane media fetish for "balance" and "both-sides" coverage of elections. Completely unwarranted in the Trump/Clinton race.
3. The constant need for a "breaking news" banner and porn star payoff didn't cut it.
But really, it's her emails. Totally bigger than a porn star payoff.