February 26, 2019

Ivanka Trump, whose father was getting paid 200K at three and was a millionaire at eight years old responded to the Green New Deal's aspirations of getting jobs to all Americans and claimed she knows the working class and they don't want Green jobs or universal basic income.

She obviously has no proof so how would she ever know? By visiting people while her father was running for president? By hiring unpaid interns for her "business"?

Steve Hilton, a new British Fox News toadie interviewed Trump's daughter and asked her about an idea wrapped into the Green New Deal.

Hilton said, "You've got people who will see that offer from the progressive Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Here's the Green New Deal, here's a guarantee of a job and think, yea, that's what I want. That's simple, what do you say to those people?"

Ivanka replied, "I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something.”

Really? How did your father respond by being born into massive wealth? Did he throw up his hands as a teenager and forsake his claim to the Trump real estate fortune? Did you ever turn down a free meal at a designer's showcase or a fashion show swag bag? Give me a break.

Didn't Donald Trump tell Howard Stern Ivanka and Don Jr. tried to bump off Tiffany because she would get a nice piece of the inheritance?

"...Stern then circled back to ask if Donald Jr., 39, and Ivanka, 35, were trying to “bump off a child.”

Trump responded, “Tiffany?”

“Is there any truth to that? [Inaudible] Tiffany?” Stern said. Trump initially dodged the question, until Stern said, “Tell me the truth, though.”

“Yes,” Trump replied.

Getting massive amounts of cash from daddy for not working at all is perfectly natural for the Trump's, but the working class? Not at all.

She continued, "I've spent a lot of time traveling around this country over the last four years. People want to work for what they get. So, I think this idea of a guaranteed minimum is not something most people want. They want the ability to be able to secure a job -- live in a country for the potential for upward mobility.”

She's a woman of the people now, don't cha know?

Being brought up in the world of wealth, how could she possibly understand the struggles of every day Americans and then say the concept of a decent job being available to those families wouldn't be something they'd want? Of course, most Americans would want a guaranteed minimum income, particularly if their job is not paying a living wage.

The choice is between forcing employers to pay enough to allow workers to live near their employment, or redistributing wealth so those on the lower end can survive. Income and wealth inequality are unsustainable.

Trump's whole campaign, as well as much of conservatism, is about fermenting resentments within America that claim "blacks and browns are getting something from your hard earned taxes that you aren't. "

And the Green New Deal is a set of ideas and principles that haven't all been fleshed out, but have opened up the discussion that helps 320 million people out of 327 million.

Americans do want to work and be productive and move up the ladder of success, but that's really not an option for everybody. The idea of getting a decent minimum wage or a decent paying job sometimes is the best a family can do, and there's no shame in that at all.

How would she know?

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