Outnumbered co-host Melissa Francis insisted that Trump couldn't be trying to use his office to enrich himself, and therefore Congress has no need to investigate him, because Forbes reported he'd lost money since announcing his run for the presidency.
February 8, 2019

We all knew the talking heads over on State-Run TV, a.k.a. Fox "news" were going to immediately go on the attack as soon as Democrats started announcing their hearing schedules and, heaven forbid, taking their oversight responsibility seriously, instead of acting like their Republican counterparts have for the last two years, and doing nothing but running cover for this corrupt administration.

Trump took to Twitter to whine about Rep. Adam Schiff, accusing him of "Unlimited Presidential Harassment" because the Congressman plans to investigate any alleged foreign influence over Trump, among other things, and the crew on this Thursday's Outnumbered were right there with him, complaining about how unfairly he's being treated, and with co-host Melissa Francis coming up with this doozy as to why the Democrats in Congress should leave poor old Trump alone:

FRANCIS: I just want to point up for the record, here, because these facts are from the folks over at Forbes, and in my financial reporting capacity, I know these guys are darn accurate to the point of making people feel comfortable at times. They estimate that the president's licensing business has lost $50 million, that the Trump condo towers are down 33% from their highs, that overall hotel revenue is down $30 million, all since president Trump announced. Three of his major hotels have been stripped of their branding because it is so polarizing. In other words, he has lost more than a billion dollars as a result of becoming president. And when Adam Schiff says he wants to see if he is using the office to profit --

NAPOLITANO: Where is he going?

FRANCIS: It seems pretty clear he's not.

FAULKNER: Even if he was trying, it's not working.

NAPOLITANO: So here's the problem for the president. If the government wants to investigate somebody for a potential criminal event, they want to start the investigation, they have to have a kernel of evidence. What we call articulable suspicion. They have to be able to articulate a state of facts that is criminal.

Congress doesn't need that. Congress has written laws that allow it to investigate anybody for anything. We talked during the break. They famously investigated Roger Clemens over the content of his urine. Where is that the constitution? There is no limit to what the Congress wants to investigate.

In my opinion, the Democrats want to run a shadow investigation alongside of Mueller's. Mueller, cannot under the law, reveal what he finds until he files documents in court. The Democrats can conceal -- any member of Congress -- conceal or reveal whatever they want. Mrs. Pelosi said this morning, "I think most Americans want to see the president's tax returns." That is not a basis to invade his privacy. He has the same right to privacy as everybody else. But the Democrats are going to do it.

So the crew that cheered on Fast & Furious, the fake IRS "scandal," Benghazi, and every other drummed up faux "scandal" during the Obama years now hates Congressional overreach. That's rich.

You've also got to wonder if Francis actually read the title of that Forbes article.... or if she just assumes none of the viewers over on Fox will. Here is it: How Trump Is Trying—And Failing—To Get Rich Off His Presidency.

And of course no one on the panel bothered to discuss the fact that enriching himself isn't the only thing Schiff and the Democrats are concerned with. They also didn't discuss the fact that there could be God knows how many shady deals that have gone on that we just don't know about yet.

Expect the lies and attacks to grow louder and the excuses to grow more absurd as Democrats continue to do their job and expose this corrupt administration.

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