January 28, 2019

SE Cupp used sex words in an attempt to get Donald Trump's attention for a couple minutes? Does that still work?

Cupp said on Saturday night, "I consider myself a border hawk. I want strong borders. I think we need to make illegal immigration harder and legal immigration a little easier. But there’s what I call a wall porn crowd, people like Ann Coulter and [Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)] who almost seem to have a sexual fetish for a cement wall."

She added, "[I don't think] the majority of Americans are that zealous about the wall. I think they want stronger borders and maybe even border fencing in some places, but Trump seems to govern for an audience of one or two."

But Coulter & Co aren't the only ones with a border wall fetish. Cable news itself seems fully committed to keeping Trump focused on his "Cement Wall" idea. My colleague Karoli noted, "So far this morning, cable news is a wasteland filled with zombie reporters and anchors repeating endlessly, 'But what about the wall? Will Democrats give him his wall?'"

They've got to make it an all or nothing horserace in order to have something interesting to say.

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