Tomi Lahren's career should have been drowned in the bathtub before it was ever born but since it wasn't, it now falls on our shoulders to correct her when she rolls into Fox and Friends from her gig polluting viewers online with her South Dakota brand of ugly ignorance.
So when she gets all self-righteous about "The Left" and their bans on plastic straws and admonitions to cut back on how much meat one eats, it's incumbent on us to put some facts in front of the BS.
After the American exceptionalism riff, which in Tomi's case applies to her EXCEPTIONAL idiocy, we move on to the plastic straw controversy, because these right-wing snowflakes just hate paper straws, apparently, and can't be bothered to drop a metal straw in their bag before they go out for a night drinking.
Plastic straws are not recycled. They go into the environment, the oceans in particular. It's such a small thing to either carry a metal straw or simply not use a straw at all that it seems like a no-brainer, but when you're Tomi Lahren, anything that's good for the environment is an automatic target for snark.
As for "cow farts," Lahren is dead wrong on this. Cutting our meat consumption by 30 percent would definitely help cut emissions affecting global warming. Even Forbes, that billionaire-run bastion of fiscally conservative readers, says so. Of course, if Tomi could read she might actually know this.
Methane is a natural byproduct of digestion, made by that microbes in an animal’s gut that breakdown and ferment the food we eat. A gas, methane is a principle component of farts, though it’s not the one that makes them smell—sulfur-containing molecules are the biggest culprit there.
Farts are funny. Global warming is not.Unfortunately, methane is a big contributor to the greenhouse effect, helping to trap heat within Earth’s atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Carbon dioxide usually gets the blame for global warming, but methane is about 85 times more powerful when it comes to trapping heat, although it breaks down faster than carbon dioxide.
Now, a new calculation of methane produced by cows, swine and other livestock shows we may have underestimated their inputs. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Joint Global Change Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy say the previous figures, which served as a basis for the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, were off by 11%.
Tomi Lahren might think she was being a funny girl, but really she's just polluting the airwaves with more ignorance in a pretty package. Millennials everywhere should be ashamed she's representing them.