January 25, 2019

Turns out there's another Michael Steel (this one without an "e" and no relation to the former RNC chief. He's a former John Boehner staffer. Hallie Jackson asked him about the Roger Stone indictments and Steve Bannon's implications.

THIS Michael Steel had the quote of the day.

HALLIE JACKSON: Michael Steel, I'm just learning from my colleagues at the White House, Kristen Welker, and Monica, we have confirmed that Steve Bannon is referenced a couple of times in this indictment according to a source, a person with direct knowledge of this investigation and the indictment. So he is according to our reporting, the person, the high-ranking Trump official referenced in a conversation about WikiLeaks e-mails here. Not surprising, we've known Bannon has been in touch with Stone. The New York Times reported. The dates and language matches exactly that he was the one in touch with Stone.

MICHAEL STEEL: I almost feel badly for the president's defenders today. This goes back to the chaos of the regular campaign. Call logs, records.

JACKSON: And you worked on campaigns.

STEEL: Sure. You keep a detailed log, you know who a presidential candidate is talking to when and why. We have none of those records here. I think the likelihood that Steve Bannon is going to tell the truth about this stuff is about as high as him making the cover of GQ, and we don't trust the president himself!

JACKSON: We have rolled through an hour of live television. We have to sneak in a break.

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